Inga Raslanaitė
Photo by Victoria Anima

Inga started her carrier in 2005 with historical TV drama starring Helen Mirren as Elizabeth I. By working with many famous directors and the best actors for years, she collected worldwide experience in a huge variety of international projects within commercial, TV and film industries.
She has worked worldwide in such countries as South Africa, Germany, Sweden, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, England, Ireland, Thailand, Austria and Japan. That made her gain experience in working with international crews and various budgets. Inga had worked for movies whose posters were displayed in New York, Berlin, Toronto and Tokyo cities. Her commercial clients were Mercedes-Benz, Sony Studios, Canada goose, Tuborg and others. She has worked with Sky, HBO, Amazon studios, Netflix, Paramount Pictures and Disney.
Inga has flexible approach, great communication and energy to achieve grand ideas of a director by suggesting the best solutions. Her most important values are creativity and high standards that help to achieve the best possible results, yet ‘nothing happens without passion’, she says and follows her work around the world.

Makeup studio

Inga owns hair and makeup studio in a fashionable industrial area in Vilnius.

Photo by Greta Gedminaitė